Chikly Health Institute Study Groups

Study groups are tactile workshops that offer you the opportunity to refresh techniques, finetune your skills, and connect with your colleagues. Please email me to request to be on the mailing list of upcoming dates.

The upfront payment will confirm your commitment to attending the workshop. Please note: no full or partial refunds available on 'no shows' or cancellations within 48 hours.

LDT1 Study Group 2023

  1. August 13th 10am - 12pm
    The face sequence and its application on headaches and how to complement brain therapy with LDT.
  2. September 7th 6:30pm - 8:30pm
    The abdomen sequence and the connection to visceral problems. The upper and lower quarter sequence and musculoskeletal pain.
    Location: Crows Nest
  3. TBC 10am - 12pm
    The upper and lower quarter sequence and musculoskeletal pain. TBA

EC Health Clinic

The Gallery, Suite 20, Level 2, 445 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood

LDT2 Study Group 2023

  1. July 23rd 10am - 12pm
    Lymph manual mapping and LDT2 circulation sequences.
  2. August 6th 10am - 12pm
    2nd rhythm & the switch, LFR, and other LDT2 techniques.
  3. TBA 10am - 12pm
    Lymph manual mapping and LDT2 circulation sequences.

EC Health Clinic

The Gallery, Suite 20, Level 2, 445 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood


Fee: $50 per study group

Bank PayID transfer: mobile - 0412683188

PayPal transfer:

Study Groups
Chikly Health Institute Australia
Training Courses